20 sessions
Expert instructors
5 faculties
19 hours
Wound Care Review
High quality wound care education
Venous Disea
Operational Safety and Fire Awareness
Integration of Knowledge into Clinical Practice through Didactic Lectures and Case Studies
Course Objectives:
Enhance wound care knowledge by learning the physiology of wound healing.
Identify and recognize wound infections and describe the management of an infected wound.
Explain wound classification by etiology and characteristics.
Discuss nutrition related to wound healing.
Describe pain parameters and pain management strategies related to wound care.
Discuss adjunctive and advanced wound care therapies.
Identify and discuss the basic management of pressure ulcers and deep tissue injury, diabetic, surgical and vascular ulcers.
Participate in interactive wound care sessions designed to improve practical skills and knowledge.
Identify general diagnostics related to the management of nonhealing wounds.
Expand expertise through wound care practice tests for healthcare professionals.
Course Lectures
Meet Your Instructors
The faculty reported the following financial relationships with commercial interests whose
products or services may be related to the content of this CME activity:
Mark Melin, MD reports the following financial relationships with any commercial interests. Mark Melin, MD is the CMO for Eva Medtec and received stock options as such. This presentation has been reviewed and found to contain no bias. Dr Melin has no other relevant financial relationships to disclose in regard to the content of this presentation.
Jeffrey Lehrman, DPM, reports that he does not have any relevant financial relationships with any commercial interests.
Thomas E. Serena, MD, FACS, FACHM, MAPWCA, reports that he received research funds from Inotec Inc, Tides Medical, Convatec, Coloplast, Arjo, Kane, Sanara Pharmaceuticals, Woundchek, and Next Science. This presentation has been reviewed and found to contain no bias. Dr. Serena has no other relevant financial relationships to disclose in regard to the content of this presentation.
Kathya Zinszer, DPM, FAPWCA, reports that she does not have any relevant financial relationships with any commercial interests.
Barbara Delmore, RN, PhD, reports that she does not have any relevant financial relationships with any commercial interests.
All financial relationships have been mitigated.