Frequently asked questions

What types of certifications or credentials can I earn upon course completion?

Completing a WebCME course will earn you a CME credits. CME credits are required for many of the wound and hyperbaric certification programs. We recommend taking a certification that is endorsed by a professional society, such as the American Professional Wound Care Association, or the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine.

How can I contact instructors or ask questions about course content?

If at any point throughout your course you have questions about the content, please e-mail support@webcme.net and we will gladly put you in touch with one of the course faculty.

Why can’t I view my courses?

This can occur for a couple of reasons. First, if you are accessing the site in a hospital or facility setting, you may be behind a strict firewall. This will have to be rectified through your IT department. If that’s not the case, you may be using an old browser that needs to be updated. Google chrome is the preferred browser for all WebCME activities.
Lastly, a stable and fast internet speed is required to run all WebCME courses.

Are the lectures available for download?

All of our content is streaming media. Only the powerpoint slides are available to download as handouts.

How long do I have to take the course?

Students have one year from the date of purchase to complete the activity. If the course is nearing expiration, students will be notified that they need to complete their activity. The videos will still be available in their account even if the course accreditation has expired.

How do I download my certificate?

Once an activity is completed in its entirety, a certificate is automatically generated and saved to your account. Students will be able to see the option to download/print certificates.

Is WebCME's Hyperbaric Introductory course recognized by CMS? Endorsed by a professional society?

Yes! HBO: P&P is a robust 40-hour introductory course that meets the guidelines set forth by CMS. CMS requires that clinicians take a 40 hour course that is backed by a professional society. The American College of Hyperbaric Medicine (ACHM) endorses WebCME’s courses and has set basic training standards for thousands of clinicians.